Dr. Cyrill Krähenbühl

Cyrill Krähenbühl

Dr. Cyrill Krähenbühl

CAB F 84.1
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich

E-Mail: cyrill.kraehenbuehl@inf.ethz.ch

We have written two best practices guides on Software Standardization for the Next Generation Internet (NGI) Zero grant programs.


by Cyrill Krähenbühl, Markus Legner, Silvan Bitterli, and Adrian Perrig
Pervasive Internet-Wide Low-Latency Authentication. Cyrill Krähenbühl, Markus Legner, Silvan Bitterli, and Adrian Perrig. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings {kraehenbuehl2021pila,
author = {Cyrill Kr\"ahenb\"uhl and Markus Legner and Silvan Bitterli and Adrian Perrig},
title = {Pervasive {Internet}-Wide Low-Latency Authentication},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks ({ICCCN})},
year = {2021},
url = {/publications/papers/kraehenbuehl2021pila.pdf},
slides = {/publications/slides/kraehenbuehl2021pila_slides.pdf},
video = {https://cloud.inf.ethz.ch/s/wBqkLCSo8eQHiKK},