Our Publications

by Arvind Seshadri, Mark Luk, Ning Qu, and Adrian Perrig
SecVisor: A Tiny Hypervisor to Provide Lifetime Kernel Code Integrity for Commodity OSes. Arvind Seshadri, Mark Luk, Ning Qu, and Adrian Perrig. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
    author =  {Arvind Seshadri and Mark Luk and Ning Qu and Adrian Perrig},
    title =   {{SecVisor}: A Tiny Hypervisor to Provide Lifetime Kernel Code Integrity for Commodity OSes},
    url = {/publications/papers/seshadri_luk_qu_perrig_secvisor.pdf},
    journal = {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP)},
    year =    2007