Student Projects

The network security group is always searching for top undergraduate and master's students. By doing your undergraduate or master's project in our group, you will have the opportunity to influence the design of the SCION future Internet architecture. Projects vary in length and scope, but generally focus on theoretical and practical aspects of SCION or SCION-based systems including (but not limited to) the topics listed below. Please contact us at to discuss thesis, projects, and internship opportunities.

General Topic Areas

In case that none of the pre-defined projects listed below is attractive to you, we may still be able to define a custom project for you. We do research in the areas path-aware and multipath network architectures, (quantum-crypto resilient) secure routing, network availability, DDoS defense, IoT security, satellite networks, human computer interaction in security, anonymous communication, and data driven network optimization among others. All of these topics pose both theoretical and practical challenges, and each project can be tweaked to vary the weight of theory and practice.

If you already know precisely what you would like to do and have already fleshed out a project in the area of network security, please contact us as well. If you can convince us of your project, and there is a group member who can supervise you, you are very welcome to complete your project in our group.

Descriptions of Pre-defined Projects

The following list contains descriptions of pre-defined projects. If you are interested in such a project, contact the person who is responsible for it. Projects can be adapted based on your interests and ambitions, but should generally conform the project description.

[Msc] Enabling Fast Frequency Response with Virtual Power Plants

Project Description: [here]

Contact: Jialun Zhang, Felix Kottmann

[Msc] Developing a Probabilistic Solver for Approximate Traffic Monitoring

Project Description: [here]

Contact: Francesco Da Dalt

[Msc] Enabling Multi-path QUIC over Multi-path SCION

Project Description: [here]

Contact: Tilmann Zäschke, Jelte van Bommel

Past theses

Berkay Aydogdu. Enabling FABRID Policies through Intra-AS Network Emulation in SCIONLab. Semester project, February 2025.
Advisors: Marc Wyss, Justin Rohrer, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Giovanni Barbiero. Design and implementation of a scalable emulator for next-generation networks. Master's thesis, December 2024.
Advisors: Seyedali Tabaeiaghdaei, Jelte van Bommel, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marc Meiners. Scalable Rate Limiting for High-Speed Applications. Semester project, August 2024.
Advisors: Marc Wyss, Jelte van Bommel, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marc Odermatt. Advancing SCION: Integrating Policy-Driven Intra-AS Routing, Path Validation, and Source Authentication. Master's thesis, April 2024.
Advisors: Marc Wyss, Dr. Cyrill Krähenbühl, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Andrea Byku. End-to-Eve-to-End Encryption: Man-in-the-Middle Attacks on Signal. Master's thesis, October 2023. Advisors: Christelle Gloor and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Adrian Cucoș. Smoke Signals: The Authentication Gap in Opportunistic Encryption. Master's thesis, October 2023. Advisors: Christelle Gloor and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Pascal Suter. Traffic Engineering in SCION: The impact of end host QoS mechanisms on network performance. Master's thesis, October 2023. Advisors: Elham Ehsani and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Jelte van Bommel. Implementing A Next-Generation Routing Infrastructure for SCION. Master's thesis, September 2023. Advisors: Seyedali Tabaeiaghdaei, Marc Wyss, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Felix Stöger SCION: The Silver Lining in Cloud Connectivity. Master's thesis, September 2023. Advisors: Dr. Jonghoon Kwon, Jordi Subirà, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Luca Tarquini Unlocking the Cloud Network’s Potential: Optimizing Latency through Path Selection. Master's thesis, September 2023. Advisors: Dr. Jonghoon Kwon, Jordi Subirà, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Nico Hauser. Securing Digital Assets by Leveraging Trust Rooted in the Physical World. Master's thesis, August 2023. Advisors: Cyrill Krähenbühl, Christelle Gloor, Juan A. García-Pardo, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marc Meiners. Extending the SCION Intra-AS Simulation Framework. Bachelor's thesis, August 2023. Advisors: Cyrill Krähenbühl, Marc Wyss, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Noah Hiltpold. Optimization of Intra-AS Bandwidth Allocations. Master's thesis, August 2023. Advisors: Marc Wyss, Cyrill Krähenbühl, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marina Ivanović Internet Censorship and Network Sovereignty: A Quantitative Approach Master's thesis, June 2023. Advisors: François Wirz, Jordi Subirà, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Jodok Vieli. A Systematic Study of DNS Amplification Potential. Master's thesis (CYD Master Thesis Fellowship), April 2023. Advisors: Dr. Huayi Duan, Dr. Si Liu, Prof. Bernhard Tellenbach, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marc Odermatt. Implementing Flyover Reservations in SCION. Semester project, April 2023. Advisors: Marc Wyss and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Justin Rohrer. Implementation and Evaluation of the COLIBRI Gateway. Bachelor's thesis, March 2023. Advisors: Marc Wyss, Juan A. García-Pardo, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Adrien Fermeli-Furic. Deterministic AS-level Overuse Mitigation and Duplicate Suppression for COLIBRI. Semester project, February 2023. Advisors: Marc Wyss, Fabio Streun, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Rubén Fischer. Prototype Implementation and Evaluation of The RHINE Naming System. Master's thesis, February 2023. Advisors: Dr. Huayi Duan and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marco Bearzi. Understanding QMIN-enabled DNS Amplification. Master's thesis, January 2023. Advisors: Dr. Huayi Duan, Dr. Si Liu, Prof. Adrian Perrig, and Prof. Mathias Payer.

Raoul Gerber. Onion Routing for Domain Name Resolution within Path-Aware FIA. Semester project, January 2023. Advisors: Dr. Huayi Duan and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Silas Walker. Worst-Case Attacks against Probabilistic Monitoring Systems. Master's thesis, Sep 2022. Advisors: Simon Scherrer and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marco Pioppini. Enhancing DNS over QUIC: A DRKey-based Approach. Bachelor's thesis, Sep 2022. Advisors: Juan A. García-Pardo, Dr. Huayi Duan, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Luca Maier. Revisiting Authenticated Denial of Existence for Internet Naming Systems. Bachelor's thesis, Sep 2022. Advisors: Dr. Huayi Duan and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Jie Lou. Implementing End-to-end Authenticated Name Resolution. Bachelor's thesis, Sep 2022. Advisors: Dr. Huayi Duan and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Yongzhe Xu. LF-PKI: Practical, Secure, and High-Performance Design and Implementation of a Lite Flexible PKI. Master's thesis, Sep 2022. Advisors: Juan A. García-Pardo, Cyrill Krähenbühl, Dr. Huayi Duan, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marco Seewer. Simulating Intra-AS Networks and Protocols in the SCION Testbed. Bachelor's thesis, August 2022. Advisors: Cyrill Krähenbühl, Marc Wyss, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lukas Heimes. A Formal Framework for End-to-End DNS Resolution. Master's thesis (ETH Medal), July 2022. Advisors: Dr. Huayi Duan, Dr. Si Liu, Prof. David Basin, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Karim Kabbani. Fingerprinting Encrypted DNS: Improved Attack and Mitigation. Master's thesis, June 2022. Advisors: Dr. Huayi Duan and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Claudio Abart. Performance Evaluation of Congestion-Control Algorithms Using Emulab. Bachelor's thesis, May 2022. Advisors: Simon Scherrer and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Robin Burkhard. Enabling End-to-End Authentication for Internet Naming Systems. Master's thesis, Jan 2022. Advisors: Dr. Huayi Duan, Joel Wanner, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Mathias Blarer. Consent Routing: Towards Bilaterally Trusted Communication Paths. Master's thesis, November 2021. Advisors: Dr. Jonghoon Kwon, Vincent Graf Narbel (ICRC), and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Tom Cinbis. Server-Side Traffic Shaping in SCION. Master's thesis, September 2021. Advisors: Cyrill Krähenbühl, Dr. Markus Legner, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Basil Ottinger. SCION video conferencing tool integration. Bachelor's thesis, September 2021. Advisors: Matthias Frei, Dr. Markus Legner, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Zilin Wang. sciVPN: Improving Privacy by Leveraging Multi-Path Communication. Semester thesis, August 2021. Advisors: Joel Wanner and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Dominik Lehmann. Data Plane Security Aspects in Next-Generation Internet Architecture Design. Bachelor's thesis, August 2021. Advisors: Joel Wanner and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Kyveli Mavromati. Optimized Routing for a Partially Deployed Next-Generation Internet Architecture. Master's thesis, August 2021. Advisors: Joel Wanner and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Jonas Binder. Simulating, Improving and Testing the LOFT Algorithm in a DDoS Environment. Bachelor's thesis, August 2021. Advisors: Simon Scherrer and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Francesco Da Dalt. An Analytic Characterization of LOFT Detection Accuracy. Bachelor's thesis, July 2021. Advisors: Simon Scherrer and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Daniele del Giudice. Optimizing the Runtime of Large Flow Detection Algorithms. Bachelor's thesis, July 2021. Advisors: Simon Scherrer and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Silvan Bitterli. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Concrete Use Case for IP-Address-Based Authentication. Bachelor's thesis, April 2021. Advisors: Cyrill Krähenbühl and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Fariborz Golshani. A VPN Solution for a Path-Aware Internetworking Architecture. Bachelor's thesis, April 2021. Advisors: Cyrill Krähenbühl and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Seyedali Tabaeiaghdaei. Green Inter-Domain Routing in the SCION Internet Architecture. Master's thesis, April 2021. Advisors: Dr. Markus Legner and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Silvan Läubli. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Verifiable CT Monitor. Master's thesis, March 2021. Advisors: Cyrill Krähenbühl and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lukas Reichart. Path Negotiation in SCION. Bachelor's thesis, January 2021. Advisors: Dr. Jonghoon Kwon and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

James Dermelj. A Use Case Analysis for Bandwidth Reservation. Master's thesis, September 2020. Advisors: Dr. Markus Legner, Cyrill Krähenbühl, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Andrea Tulimiero. An All-Round Secure IoT Network Architecture. Master's thesis, September 2020. Advisors: Piet De Vaere and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Stephanie Ruhstaller. Intra-domain Support for a Global QoS System: Minimum Bandwidth Guarantees and Isolation of Privileged Traffic. Bachelor's thesis, September 2020. Advisors: Juan A. García-Pardo, Dr. Markus Legner, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Claude Hähni. Mondrian: A Comprehensive Inter-Domain Network Zoning Architecture. Master's thesis, September 2020. Advisors: Dr. Jonghoon Kwon, Patrick Bamert, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Michael A. Flückiger. Implementing and Evaluating MPTCP on the SCION Future Internet Architecture. Master's thesis, August 2020. Advisors: Jean-Pierre Smith and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Cédric Neukom. High-Performance File Transfer in SCION. Master's thesis, August 2020. Advisors: François Wirz and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Zilin Wang. Clock synchronization in global scaled networks. Bachelor's thesis, August 2020. Advisors: Dr. Jonghoon Kwon and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Mathieu Ducroux. High-performance path server. Bachelor's thesis, July 2020. Advisors: Juan A. García-Pardo and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Nils Ebeling. Embedding Static Information in SCION Beacons. Bachelor's thesis, June 2020. Advisors: Juan A. García-Pardo, Matthias Frei, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marc Styger. Efficient Messaging Subsystem For Congestion Control At SCION Border Routers. Bachelor's thesis, May 2020. Advisors: Juan A. García-Pardo and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Joel Fischer. Rules for Traffic Engineering in SCION. Bachelor's thesis, April 2020. Advisors: Juan A. García-Pardo and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Marc Wyss. High-Speed Implementation and Use-Case Analysis of EPIC. Master's thesis, April 2020. Advisors: Dr. Markus Legner, Benjamin Rothenberger, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Alexander Kunze. Efficient Automated Testing Framework for the SCION Architecture. Bachelor's thesis, March 2020. Advisors: Benjamin Rothenberger and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Jan Veen. Client Bootstrapping in the SCION Architecture. Master's thesis, March 2020. Advisors: Mateusz Kowalski and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Alexander Wälchli. COLIBRI Link Pricing. Bachelor's thesis, February 2020. Advisors: François Wirz and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Alexandre Chambet. Anycast and Multicast for SCION. Semester thesis, February 2020. Advisors: Matthias Frei and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lino Telschow. Enhancing SCION Path Segments with Latency Information. Bachelor's thesis, November 2019. Advisors: Kamila Součková and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Christopher Raffl. Combining COLIBRI and EPIC: An Almost DDoS-resilient Bandwidth Reservation Infrastructure. Bachelor's thesis, October 2019. Advisors: Dr. Markus Legner, Benjamin Rothenberger, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Jonas Gude. LightningFilter: a High-Speed Firewall Bypass System in SCION. Master's thesis, October 2019. Advisors: Benjamin Rothenberger, Juan A. García-Pardo, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Sven Dammann. Secure Time Synchronization Service for SCION. Master's thesis, October 2019. Advisors: Cyrill Krähenbühl and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Khalid Aldughayem. Dynamic Links: An Experimentation Automation Tool for SCION. Master's thesis, September 2019. Advisors: François Wirz and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Gianni Perlini. Design and Implementation of SCION’s End-Entity PKI. Master's thesis, September 2019. Advisors: Laurent Chuat and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Kamila Součková. FPGA-based line-rate packet forwarding for the SCION future Internet architecture. Master's thesis, September 2019. Advisors: Benjamin Rothenberger and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Elwin Stephan. Adaption of a Data Transmission Protocol for SCION. Bachelor's thesis, September 2019. Advisors: Dr. Jonghoon Kwon and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Manuel Meinen. Bandwidth Limit Enforcement for SCIONLab. Bachelor's thesis, September 2019. Advisors: Matthias Frei and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Joel Wanner. Formal Verification of DoS-Resilient Protocols. Master's thesis, August 2019. Advisors: Dr. Christoph Sprenger, Dr. Ralf Sasse, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Annika Glauser. Efficient DDoS Defense for SCION Services. Master's thesis, June 2019. Advisors: Benjamin Rothenberger and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lino Lendi. Locating Smartphones by Using Their Unprotected Sensors. Bachelor's thesis, May 2019. Advisors: Benjamin Rothenberger and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Milan Pandurov. COLIBRI: Constructing a scalable global QoS system. Master's thesis, March 2019. Advisor: Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Simon Scherrer. Exploring the Effects of Source-Based Path Selection on the Aggregate Utility of an Inter-Domain Network. Master's thesis, March 2019. Advisors: Juan A. García-Pardo, Dr. Jonghoon Kwon, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Rayhaan Jaufeerally. The implementation of an extensible socket API for modern networks. Master's thesis, March 2019. Advisors: Brian Trammell and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

David Keller. Analysis and specification of a modern low-latency and traffic-analysis resistant anonymous communication system. Master's thesis, November 2018. Advisors: Daniele E. Asoni and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Christian Fehlmann. RAINS at Scale. Master's thesis, November 2018. Advisors: Brian Trammell and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Aleksandar Vorkapic. Secure Blockchain Network Communication using SCION. Master's thesis, November 2018. Advisors: Panos Papadimitratos and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Markus Legner. Every Packet Is Checked (EPIC): Lightweight Path Authorization, Source Authentication, and Path Validation in a Path-Aware Internet. Bachelor's thesis, November 2018. Advisors: Tobias Klenze, Dr. Christoph Sprenger, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lily Chang. Covert Channel Suppression for IoT Devices. Master's thesis, October 2018. Advisors: Piet De Vaere and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Jinank Jain. Source Accountability with Domain-brokered Privacy in SCION. Master's thesis, October 2018. Advisors: Dr. Taeho Lee and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Giacomo Giuliari. Internet Backbones in Space. Master's thesis, September 2018. Advisors: Tobias Klenze, Dr. Christos Pappas, Prof. David Basin, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Dominik Roos. COLIBRI: A Cooperative Lightweight Inter-domain Bandwidth Reservation Infrastructure. Master's thesis, September 2018. Advisors: Dr. Christos Pappas, Dr. Taeho Lee, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Alessio Bähler. Design and Implementation of a Modular, Scalable and Secure Monitoring System for the SCION Network. Master's thesis, September 2018. Advisors: Juan A. García-Pardo, Dr. Jonghoon Kwon, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

François Wirz. Network performance evaluation and prediction on SCION. Master's thesis, August 2018. Advisors: Thomas Oberhammer (Open Systems) and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Pascal Sprenger. Efficient Packet Replay Detection and Suppression for DoS Defense. Master's thesis, August 2018. Advisors: Benjamin Rothenberger and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Zeno Koller. Measuring Loss and Reordering with Few Bits. Master's thesis, August 2018. Advisors: Brian Trammell and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Tobias Bachmann. Metrics & Measurements in a Path-Aware FIA. Master's thesis, May 2018. Advisors: Jean-Pierre Smith and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Fabian Murer. A Secure, Isolated and Air-Gapped Signing System. Master's thesis, April 2018. Advisors: Brian Trammell and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Florian Jacky. Towards a Fast and Efficient Packet Filtering Service for DoS Defense. Master's thesis, April 2018. Advisors: Benjamin Rothenberger and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lukas Bischofberger. Backdoor Evasion through Encryption and Chaffing. Master's thesis, Februar 2018. Advisors: Dr. Christos Pappas, Dr. Taeho Lee, Daniele E. Asoni, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Cyrill Krähenbühl. Design, Implementation & Evaluation of Multipathing in QUIC. Master's thesis, November 2017. Advisors: Jean-Pierre Smith, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Manuel Grossmann. Extending the SCIONLab infrastructure to small sized, low-power devices. Bachelor's thesis, October 2017. Advisors: Dr. Ercan Ucan, Prof. David Hausheer, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Claude Hähni. Design and Implementation of Functionality, Security and Maintainability Enhancements for SCIONLab Coordination Service. Bachelor's thesis, October 2017. Advisors: Prof. David Hausheer, Dr. Ercan Ucan, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Nicolas Forster. Improving the Security and Resource Control of the SCION Test Infrastructure. Master's thesis, September 2017. Advisors: Dr. Ercan Ucan, Prof. David Hausheer, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Sandro Affentranger. Implementation & Evaluation of a High-speed Anonymity System in SCION. Master's thesis, September 2017. Advisors: Jean-Pierre Smith, Chen Chen, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Elia Schudel. Path Selection on Hornet Anonymity System. Bachelor's thesis, September 2017. Advisors: Jean-Pierre Smith and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Nora Hossle. Implementing CLEF. Bachelor's thesis, August 2017. Advisor: Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Joel Wanner. SMTDoS: An SMT-Based Approach to Synthesizing DDoS Attacks. Bachelor's thesis, August 2017. Advisors: Samuel Hitz and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Sarah Plocher. Prototype Implementation and Evaluation of a Multi-factor Authentication Scheme. Bachelor's thesis, August 2017. Advisors: Laurent Chuat, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Matthias Niederberger. Design and Implementation of ISD Coordination in SCION. Bachelor's thesis, August 2017. Advisors: Dr. Pawel Szalachowski, Laurent Chuat, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Sezer Güler. Design and Implementation of a High-Availability Public Key Infrastructure. Master's thesis, May 2017. Advisors: Dr. Pawel Szalachowski and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lukasz Dykcik. Fully Automated Blockchain-Based Public-Key Infrastructure. Master's thesis, April 2017. Advisors: Dr. Pawel Szalachowski, Laurent Chuat, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Tarek Jost. Fast and Secure Crypto Operations using in-DRAM Computation. Bachelor's thesis, April 2017. Advisors: Benjamin Rothenberger, Hasan Hassan, Prof. Onur Mutlu, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Philipp Mao. Connecting SCION Boxes to the SCION Network. Semester thesis, August 2017. Advisor: Prof. David Hausheer and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Simon Scherrer. Smart Data Pricing for the SCION Architecture. Bachelor's thesis, October 2016. Advisors: Dr. Raphael Reischuk and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Jean-Pierre Smith. Design and Implementation of High-speed Anonymity Systems in Future Internet Architectures. Master's thesis, October 2016. Advisors: Chen Chen, Daniele E. Asoni, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Xuan Cai. Towards ISP-supported Anonimity. Master's thesis, September 2016. Advisors: Dr. David Barrera, Prof. Stefano Brusoni, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Raphael Cottier. Peer-to-Peer Mutual Authentication for Mobile-Assisted Proximity Interactions. Master's thesis, September 2016. Advisors: Dr. Franck Legendre and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Benjamin Rothenberger. Security Analysis of a Future Internet Architecture. Master's thesis, April 2016. Advisors: Dr. David Barrera and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lukas Widmer. High-speed continuous Bloom filter. Bachelor's thesis, October 2015. Advisors: Chen Chen and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Michael Kurth. Fast mixing strategy at the network layer. Bachelor's thesis, September 2015. Advisors: Chen Chen and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Dominik Roos. Implementation of Per-Flow Stateless Monitoring in Future Internet Architectures. Bachelor's thesis, September 2015. Advisors: Cristina Basescu, Yao Zhang, Dr. Pawel Szalachowski, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lukas Limacher. Source meta-information authentication along adaptive network paths for policy enforcement. Master's thesis, August 2015. Advisors: Cristina Basescu and Prof. Adrian Perrig in collaboration with Open Systems AG.

Anton Ovchinnikov. Future Internet Architecture Testbed Management System. Master's thesis, August 2015. Advisors: Dr. Jean-Yves Le Boudec (EPFL), Dr. Pawel Szalachowski, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Pragnya Alatur. Implementation of a Stateless SDN Data Plane. Bachelor's thesis, August 2015. Advisors: Tae-Ho Lee, Christos Pappas, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Samuel Steffen. A Secure PKI Environment for Private Key Storage. Bachelor's thesis, July 2015. Advisors: Stephanos Matsumoto and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Daniele E. Asoni. Secure High-Speed Anonymity Systems on Future Internet Architectures. Master's thesis, May 2015. Advisors: Dr. David Barrera and Prof. Adrian Perrig. Awarded the 2015 Information Security Society of Switzerland (ISSS) Excellence Award!

Lionel Bruchez. Highly Available and Reliable Name and Path Lookups in Future Internet Architectures. Master's thesis, April 2015. Advisors: Dr. David Barrera and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Laurent Chuat. Efficient and Secure Gossip Protocols Based on Network Traffic. Master's thesis, October 2014. Advisors: Dr. Pawel Szalachowski, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lin Chen. Accountable Key Infrastructure - Implementation. Master's thesis, June 2014. Advisors: Dr. Jean-Pierre Hubaux (EPFL), Dr. Pawel Szalachowski, and Prof. Adrian Perrig.

Lorenzo Baesso. Prototype of the Accountable Key Infrastructure. Master's thesis, May 2014. Advisors: Dr. Pawel Szalachowski, and Prof. Adrian Perrig. Awarded the 2014 Information Security Society of Switzerland (ISSS) Excellence Award!