Dr. Piet De Vaere

Piet De Vaere

Dr. Piet De Vaere

CAB F 81
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 633 49 19
E-Mail: piet.de.vaere@inf.ethz.ch


by Tony John, Piet De Vaere, Caspar Schutijser, Adrian Perrig, and David Hausheer
LINC: Low-Cost Inter-Domain Connectivity for Industrial Systems. Tony John, Piet De Vaere, Caspar Schutijser, Adrian Perrig, and David Hausheer. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Demo's and Posters 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Tony John and Piet {De Vaere} and Caspar Schutijser and Adrian Perrig and David Hausheer},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ACM SIGCOMM} Demo's and Posters},
  title     = {{LINC}: Low-Cost Inter-Domain Connectivity for Industrial Systems},
  year      = {2021},
  url       = {/publications/papers/john2021_linc.pdf},
  video     = {https://cloud.inf.ethz.ch/s/CcpAftWngrkgcpD},