CAB F 84.1
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich
@inproceedings{conext2021deployment, author = {Cyrill Kr\"{a}henb\"{u}hl and Seyedali Tabaeiaghdaei and Christelle Gloor and Jonghoon Kwon and Adrian Perrig and David Hausheer and Dominik Roos}, title = {Deployment and Scalability of an Inter-Domain Multi-Path Routing Infrastructure}, booktitle = {International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT ’21)}, doi = {10.1145/3485983.3494862}, year = {2021}, note = "Best Paper Award", url = {/publications/papers/2021_conext_deployment.pdf}, slides = {/publications/slides/2021_conext_deployment_slides.pdf}, video = {}, }